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Accordion Noir radio playlist 2020-01-22: Danny Federici Memorial Special with Brian Regal

January 23, 2020
AccNoir 2020-01-22

Tonight’s episode of Accordion Noir radio featured special guest Brian Regal sharing with us his expertise over the oeuvre of Bruce Springsten and specifically the subset of his songs featuring the enchanting accordion stylings of the late Danny Federici. If you haven’t already been tipped off by your podcast subscriptions on your Apple or Android devices, you can go get an earful of it over here. In the meantime, here’s a special announcement by Bruce, followed by this episode’s playlist.

For listeners in Vancouver, Please join us for Unikkaaqtuat, a rare performance of Inuit artists from Nunavut! With a bit of Inuit accordion, it’s a show not to miss:

JAN 22–25, 2020 | Vancouver Playhouse

Bridging ancient traditions and contemporary forms, this multidisciplinary new work highlights the talents of Inuit artists at a national and international scale. Inspired by Inuit founding myths, this unprecedented creation will celebrate the Inuit culture, its traditions, and vision for the future, through a cross-cultural collaboration.

In an atmosphere shaped by video projections and a world of shadows, actors, live musicians, and acrobats will transport the audience to an ancient world when life had not known death, days had not seen light, and where Inuit had not met white people. Until…

Shaped by a culturally diversified cast of 11 circus artists, musicians, and similarly distinct designers and technicians, Unikkaaqtuat blends circus arts, music, theatre, and video in a groundbreaking performance.

And now here’s Accordion Noir’s:

Playlist for the Danny Federici Memorial Special
with Brian Regal, Bruce Springsteen fan/scholar!

*Artist – Song [with live recording info] – Album (release date)

  • Andy Fielding – Accordion Noir theme (short version) – (2010) – Vancouver, BC, Canada – recorded special just for our show! Get the sheet-music! :,%2004feb10%29.pdf
  • Bruce Springsteen – Mansion On the Hill [Recorded Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY – June/July 2000] – Live in New York City (2001)
  • Amadie Breaux, Ophey Breaux & Cleoma Breaux – Ma Blond Est Partie – American Epic: The Collection (1929) – Louisiana, USA –
  • Gary U.S. Bonds – Jole Blon – The Best of Gary U.S. Bonds (1996)
  • Gary U.S. Bonds – Angelyne – The Best of Gary U.S. Bonds (2004)
  • Little Steven & The Disciples of Soul – Princess of Little Italy – Men Without Women (1982)
  • Bruce Springsteen – 4th of July, Asbury Park (Sandy) [Live in Indianapolis, IN – recorded March 2008] – Magic Tour Highlights – EP (2008)
  • Bruce Springsteen – The Last Carnival – Working On a Dream (2009)
  • Bruce Springsteen – Youngstown [Recorded Live at Madison Square Garden, New York, NY – June/July 2000] – Live in New York City (2001)

Danny Federici:

The Danny Federici Fund for Melanoma Research

Brian Regal was our guest tonight:

He has a monstrous website with info on his books, and if you’re at Keen University in New Jersey you can take his classes!

He’s our friend on Twitter!
(We didn’t mention that he also plays accordion. You can here about it here)

He has a wikipedia page!

Thanks for sharing your passion Brian

Thanks for reading us here (and hopefully listening to us, there), but if you find you want more, you can always keep up with us on Twitter (@AccordionNoir and @AccordionBruce), Instagram (@AccordionNoirFest), and Facebook at Accordion Noir fansthe Accordion Noir Festival, and the Vancouver Squeezebox Circle. Cheers & squeeze on!

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